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Personal Information:

  • Salire collects personal information from our online visitors when they place an order or when they join Salire. If an order is placed, we hold personal information including your name, email address, phone number/s, shipping, and billing address to process and complete the order.
  • Your credit card details will never be held by Salire.
  • You can refuse to provide us with some or all your personal information, however this may prevent us from processing your transactions or delivering a package to you.

What we might use your personal information for:

  • Salire will use your personal information for the processing of orders, payments and to provide you with a tailored shopping experience.
  • When you visit Salire you will be asked if you want to “join the movement”, which is subscribing to our mailing list. If you choose to “join the mocement”, the information you provide will allow Salire to notify you about new products, special offers and or other campaigns.
  • Salire collects information about site traffic, sales and other commercial information which might be passed on to trusted third parties however these statistics do not include any information which can identify you personally.
  • We might use your personal information for internal marketing, demographic, and geographical targeted marketing, together with your non-personal data to monitor customer patterns to consistently improve the site for a more tailored online shopping experience.

Opt out:

You can unsubscribe from receiving emails and/or notifications from Salire by clicking the automated unsubscribe link which is always included at the bottom of any email from Salire . If you would like all your information removed from the Salire database, please contact us directly.


Salire reserves the right to assume that if you have accessed the Salire website you unconditionally accept the terms and conditions described in our Privacy Policy and in the absence of any contrary disclosure that you consent to this Policy.


Any issues or complaints regarding your experience with this website should be emailed to